The Council of State Justifies EDEM


Athens, 26 November 2021

Hellenic Justice has acknowledged, at the highest level, the right of Greek creators to choose themselves the Collective Management Organisation (CMO) that will represent them, away from the entanglements and pathogenesis of the past.

Today, Friday, November 26, 2021, the Plenary Session of the Council of State issued its decisions no 2105/2021 and no 2106/2021 by which it rejects the applications submitted by AUTODIA for cancellation of the operating license of EDEM and all ad hoc decisions of the Special Service of Emergency Rights Management concerning EDEM’s establishment. The State of Council also concluded that on the basis of the number of its members and the dynamic repertoire it represents, EDEM is a fully viable Organization.

The futile attempt of AUTODIA to prevent creators from freely affiliating to the CMO of their choice, has collapsed.

EDEM and its rightsholders have been fully justified.

EDEM remains committed to its mission to protect the rights of its members in every possible way and will continue to work towards the creation of a unified and strong CMO, for the benefit of all music creators.

About EDEM

RIGHTHOLDERS’ COOPERATIVE- EDEM is a Collective Management Organisation, duly licensed by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports to undertake the collective management and protection of intellectual property rights of musical works in Greece and abroad. EDEM is a non -profit organisation and meets all international standards and requirements of a modern CMO.

EDEM currently administers the rights of 2.600 rightsholders, representing the largest part and most dynamic Greek repertoire as well as millions of foreign music works through representation agreements with multinational music publishers WCMP and UMP and Greek sub-publishers.

Amongst its members are famous creators, such as Mikis Theodorakis, Manos Hadjidakis, Odysseas Elytis, Nikos Gatsos, Vassilis Tsitsanis, Giorgos Zambetas, Mimis Plessas, Dionyssis Savvopoulos, Eleni Karaindrou, Michalis Cacoyannis and many others.